There are emergency procedures in place in multiple states due to extreme weather. >>Learn More

Live in the West Region? There is now a referral approval waiver in place through March 31, 2025. >>Learn More

Also, you have until March 31 to set up  your payment info if you pay by EFT, credit card, or debit card. This is for TRICARE Prime, TRICARE Select, TYA, TRS, and TRR plans. If you miss this deadline, you will be disenrolled back to Jan. 1. Visit today.

Patient Resources

Release of Information

Release of Information fulfills requests and provides various services for continuity of care documentation, Service Member retirements, insurance claims, and others. Continuity of care requests can be made by the patients and or treating facility by using one of the below methods for requesting Medical Records
For your convenience, patients can pick up and complete, as well as drop off completed DD Form 2870’s at the Medical Records Window. Requests less than 10 pages can be processed on the spot, to include such records as:
  • Lab results
  • Immunization records
  • Radiology Reports
  • Physicals (school, sports, etc.)
  • Electronic Progress/Office visit note(s)
  • Appointment list
  • Medication List
  • EKG’s
For additional information, please call 254-287-0912, Monday-Friday 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Release of Information Online Access

As we move towards implementation of the new Electronic Health Record (MHS Genesis) at Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center, customers may experience some delays in processing of release of information requests. We will continue to strive to provide protected health information to customers in a timely manner.
We also encourage customers to utilize the MHS Genesis Patient Portal to access all their medical record information after March 19, 2022. To register on MHS GENESIS you need to have a DoD Self-Service Logon (DS Logon) Premium (Level 2) account. Visit the My Access Center to upgrade your account.
Starting October 1, 2021, all completed requests will be sent to customers via DOD Secure Access File Exchange (SAFE). This encrypted process will allow customers to download their medical record information to any storage device and send to any other entity they may choose or for their own personal records. This new process will reduce wait times and eliminate any extra steps that may cause delays.

In/Out-Processing Medical Records

All In/Out-Processing is completed at the medical records window. All Active Duty In or Out-processing must report to the main hospital (Medical Records) with a copy of their Orders and or the DA Form 877 from the losing Military Treatment Facility.

Requesting Information from Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center

Patients may request copies of their medical records using form DD Form 2870 (Authorization for Disclosure of Medical or Dental Information) available online
There will be no change to physician office, legal requests, and insurance requests received and processed via fax. The following fax numbers will direct requests to the appropriate processing team:
STAT/Expedites (for hospitals, clinics, providers) – 254-288-8368
Legal – 254-288-8368
ROUTINE (patient requests, Insurance, Disability Determination Services, etc.) – 254-288-8368
Service Members requesting records for retirement must submit a DD form 2870 with a digital signature and send to the ROI email address: Any other requests may also be sent via email to Patients requesting their own, or their minor dependents (under 16 years of age) can complete a DD Form 2870 and return it to ROI along with a copy of a state issued (DMV driver's license, DMV identification card, DOD Identification card (Non-CAC), etc.) Please redact SSN Number to only the last 4 digits. Spouses and minor children 16 years and older MUST sign their DD Form 2870 and send a copy of their ID along with the request.

Request Processing

Information Line: 254-553-8641 or 254-553-9816
The ROI office copies official medical record sets within Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center (CRDAMC) to include all available MTF medical records and civilian records located within the electronic health records.
Requests for inpatient records, and most outpatient records, take up to 30 working days to process. Newly established inpatient records cannot be copied until they are assembled, coded and signed by the provider. Please allow 30-45 days after discharge before requesting inpatient records.
Department of Behavioral Health and sensitive records must be reviewed and cleared by a provider before release. Please allow up to 30 working days for processing.
If any records are Family Advocacy Program, SUDDC, IOP these require additional forms for release and please allow up to 30 working days for processing.
All requests for information must include the following:
  • Patient's name
  • Patient's date of birth
  • Patient’s DOD Number
  • Sponsor's complete social security number
  • Period of treatment/information needed
  • Statement authorizing CRDAMC to release the records to a specific person/organization
  • An address and/or phone number of the receiving person/organization
  • The purpose for the release of the information
  • Expiration Date
Patient's signature/date. Patients who are 16 years and older, or emancipated, must sign an authorization for release of their medical records.


A parent or legal guardian may request copies for minor children, physically, or mentally challenged persons. With appropriate documentation i.e. Medical Power of Attorney, a copy of a court order appointing guardianship, if applicable. I.A.W DoDM 6025.18.
For deceased patients, the patient's surviving next of kin (NOK) or a court appointed executor/administrator signs consent. A copy of the death certificate must accompany all requests. Executors/administrators must show legal documentation appointing them to the position. DoDM 6025.18.
All other requests must be accompanied by a Subpoena, signed by a judge, or a Medical Power of Attorney which specifically indicates release of medical records.
Legal Release of Information Mission – To provide medical information to our customers in a prompt, professional manner, while protecting patient's privacy and ensuring each request is releasable in accordance with State and Federal laws.

Medical Powers of Attorney

To obtain a medical power of attorney, contact 254-287-7901 or 254-287-3199.

Preparing to Retire or Separate

Active duty members preparing to retire or separate should obtain copies of all medical records at least 6 months prior to their final out processing date.
Members should return to the release of information desk or submit an updated request to to obtain copies (and/or updates) of medical paperwork generated after their records were initially copied. This will ensure members get a complete copy of their Active Duty Medical record after their retirement/separation.

Civilian Records

For continuity of care within CRDAMC, ROI will retrieve medical records from a civilian facility at the patient’s request and completion of the authorization form. Once these records arrive at CRDAMC, they are scanned into the patient’s outpatient record. All information filed and/or scanned into outpatient record becomes property of the DoD.
If you need medical documentation for your personal record, you will have to go to the treating facility and submit a request through their records section. *Service Members can request medical records through CRDAMC ROI regardless of treating facility.

Archived Records

CRDAMC maintains outpatient records for a period of 2 years after the patient’s last medical encounter (excluding active duty military and their dependents). Inpatient records are maintained for 5 years after the date of discharge. After such periods, the records are retired to the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC), St Louis, MO.
Patients may obtain their retired records directly from NPRC online at:
Or, write to NPRC at the following address (es):
Active Duty Military Records Dept of Veteran Affairs
Records Mgmt Center
P.O. Box 5020
St. Louis, MO 63115
Dependent Records NPRC (CPR)
1411 Boulder Dr.
Valmeyer, IL 62295
Please send any HIPAA Privacy related question/concern to and one of our HIPAA Privacy Officers will contact you.
*Do not send any PHI/PII*

Contact Us


7:30-11:15 a.m.
12:30-3:30 p.m.

In & Out Processing
1-4:00 p.m.




Shoemaker Center
36000 Shoemaker Lane
Fort Cavazos, Texas 76544

Don't forget to keep your family's information up to date in DEERS!